A message from
Doug Harris
Executive Director,
StellaNova Foundation

Since we last spoke, the StellaNova Foundation has staged two Wild at Art fundraising events and is planning a third, music-themed event in February of 2025!

You may recall from previous conversations that I am looking to give back to my community, in a way that will provide real help to those in need. My professional and personal endeavors have made me aware of the connection between mental health issues and many of the social conflicts and financial uncertainties faced by Houstonians and I have seen firsthand the often-disastrous results when remedies for these challenges are neither sought nor provided.

Is there anyone among us who hasn’t witnessed a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or a business associate experiencing a mental health issue or episode? Depression, addiction, domestic violence, even self-harm?

Since this journey began, I have been introduced to a variety of care, treatment, and diagnostic options available, including some which do not rely solely on long term medication. I am intrigued by the power of music, art, and other creative expressions to improve the lives of those who have been separated from the social and familial support most take for granted.

The StellaNova Foundation mission is to provide funding in support of responsible mental health care to those in our community in need of this relief.

Your attendance and participation in StellaNova Foundation events, in combination with donations throughout the year, fund our support of worthy organizations and mental health care providers.

See you upstream.

The StellaNova Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide care and treatment to Houstonians experiencing mental health issues who may not have access to, or resources for, care and treatment.

A message from Doug Harris
Executive Director, StellaNova Foundation

Since we last spoke, the StellaNova Foundation has staged two Wild at Art fundraising events and is planning a third, music-themed event in February of 2025!

You may recall from previous conversations that I am looking to give back to my community, in a way that will provide real help to those in need. My professional and personal endeavors have made me aware of the connection between mental health issues and many of the social conflicts and financial uncertainties faced by Houstonians and I have seen firsthand the often-disastrous results when remedies for these challenges are neither sought nor provided.

Is there anyone among us who hasn’t witnessed a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or a business associate experiencing a mental health issue or episode? Depression, addiction, domestic violence, even self-harm?

Since this journey began, I have been introduced to a variety of care, treatment, and diagnostic options available, including some which do not rely solely on long term medication. I am intrigued by the power of music, art, and other creative expressions to improve the lives of those who have been separated from the social and familial support most take for granted.

The StellaNova Foundation mission is to provide funding in support of responsible mental health care to those in our community in need of this relief.

Your attendance and participation in StellaNova Foundation events, in combination with donations throughout the year, fund our support of worthy organizations and mental health care providers.

See you upstream.

The StellaNova Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide care and treatment to Houstonians experiencing mental health issues who may not have access to, or resources for, care and treatment.

Proceeds from the StellaNova Foundation’s fundraising events benefit organizations who share the Foundation’s mission.

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